
The CHATBOX is a monthly publication of the


The purpose of our club is to develop interest in and increase knowledge of the earth sciences, minerals, rocks, fossils, and the lapidary arts, and to bring about a closer association of persons sharing these interests.

We shall achieve our purpose through regular planned open meetings, programs, publications, committees, monthly field trips, and special projects of assistance to the community.

We meet the second THURSDAY of each month at 7:00 PM at the Park Hills Senior Center, 224 W. Main St., Park Hills, Missouri. Visitors are always welcome                                                

Annual dues are $18.00 per family or $12.00 per individual.

***** 2009 Elected Officers*****


Betty Marler                     Allys Bell, (Acting)                                                            Jack Sale

5084 Flat River Rd           no.10 Club Street                                                          1148 Rue Angeline

Farmington,MO63640     Park Hills,MO.63601                                                   Bonne Terre,MO 63628

(573)431-2951                   (573)518-1306                                                            (573)562-7004



                                                ***2009 Committee Chairpersons***

BOARD MEMBERS:                Field Trip Coordinator: Mark & Boneta Hensley

Jack Sale                                        Hospitality: Betty Marler

Mark Hensley                                 Refreshments: Allys Bell & as shown in CHATBOX each month

Allys Bell                                        Annual Rock Swap: Lloyd Marler (chair) & Mike Marler

                                                      Club Display Case:

                                                      Publicity: Joey Henry

                                                      Representative: Allys Bell, Art Hebrank

                                                      Annual Picnic: Ruth Mosier

                                                      CHATBOX Editor: Robert W. Carroll

                    Midwest Federation Representative:

                                                      St. Louis Federation Representative: Ruth Mosier

                                                      Christmas Party: Betty White

                                                      Science Committee: Art Hebrank

Submit articles for publication to the Editor, Robert W. Carroll 573-431-2148 E-Mail = bcarroll@charter.net, by the 20th of the month.  Material may be reprinted provided credit is given to the CHATBOX. Publication of articles in the CHATBOX does not constitute endorsement by MAGMS or certify the accuracy of the material.  Opinions expressed in articles and editorials are not necessarily representative of the opinions of the membership or the MAGMS.


Next meeting will be at Park Hills Senior Center, 224 W. Main St., Park Hills, Missouri

Thursday January 14 7:00 PM

REFRESHMENTS: Ann Hampton & Mark Hensley



Presidents Message:

President message

Our last meeting for the year will be our Christmas party at Ryan’s at 6 PM. Bring a gift to exchange of about $5 if you like.

            I have enjoyed my 3 years ass president and I wish the new president lots of luck.

Your president Betty Marler


Minutes of MAGMS Meeting of November 12, 2009

The monthly meeting was called to order on November 12, 2009 at 7:00 P.M. by President Betty Marler.  There were 24 members present and no visitors.  The door prize was won by Boneta Hensley. 

The minutes and treasurers report were approved as printed in the CHATBOX.  An audit was taken by Arlene DeGonia and Carnelia Lueddecke and everything was found to be in order.

Membership dues are now due.  Dues needs to be paid now so that they can be turned in to the Federation by the first of the year.  Annual dues for a family is $18.00 and $12.00 for an individual.

A donation of $150.00 has been made to the Park Hills Senior Center in appreciation for the use of their building for our meetings.

Betty Marler reported that Kathy Hill had surgery and is doing well, Jim Hill fell and broke a rib and Mabel Reed is having chemotherapy.  Keep these members in thought and prayer along with others whom are having health problems.

November Field Trip will be to the 2009 Mineral, Gem, Fossil Show and Sale presented by the St. Louis Mineral and Gem Society.  This trip will be on November 28, 2009 to the Viking Conference Center, Holiday Inn Hotel, 10709 Watson Rd., St. Louis, Mo. (I44 & Lindbergh).  Phone - 314-821-6600.  For more information call Boneta Hensley at 573-756-7403.

Art Hebrank and Ruth Mosier are our representatives for the Greater St. Louis Federation.  The federation has changed the scholarship wording and this was brought before the membership, voted on and approved.   

For the coming year of 2010, MAGMS elected officers will be as follows:

        President                    Ann Hampton

        Vice President            Mark Hensley

        Secretary                   Mary Medley

        Treasurer                    Jack Sale

Our thanks go to these members for their commitment to do this job in the year 2010.  We also want to thank D Jennings, Boneta Hensley and Bill Crites for a job well done on this matter.

MAGMS ANNUAL CHRISTMAS PARTY will be held on December 10, 2009 at 6:00 P.M. at Ryans, in Farmington, Missouri.  We will have a gift exchange.  Gifts should be around $5.00 and tagged for male or female for the exchange.  The Christmas Party will be considered our monthly meeting.  See you there!!

No program this meeting.  Instead, members brought many items for sale.  A great way to buy your Christmas gifts.  Thanks to all of you who did so much work to set up your items.  We appreciate you!!!

The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 P.M. by President Betty Marler and everyone checked out the items for sale and enjoyed the refreshments and visiting.  

                                                                  Carnelia Lueddecke, Acting Secretary      


Treasurer’s report

Date         Transaction                     Debit               Credit     Balance

10/1/09                                                                                                $3852.94

10/10 Park Hills Senior Center                  $150.00                               $3702.94

10/23                Dues for 10/10                                         $36.00        $3738.94

10/31/09                                                                                              $3738.94

Jack Sale Treasurer



Allys Bell

Helen Warren

Mabel Reed

Carnelia Lueddecke

Marvin Lueddecke

Jim Hill 

Cathy Hill             

Jean Carroll

Marvin Twiner          

Glenda Crites

Jerry Henry

Pray for our new 2010 officers

If you would like to send a card or letter to any of these, you may get the address from Betty Marler at 573-431-2951 or Robert Carroll at 573-431-2148.

Jim Hill                                     12-04                  

Dylan Reese                             12-08

Greg McGill                             12-13

Cindy King                              12-19

Carnelia Lueddecke                 12-22

Helen Lake                              12-26

Cody McGill                            12-26

Cliff Brewen                             12-31



Birth Month


Modern Birthstones

Blue Topaz,


Traditional Birthstones


Mystical Birthstones


Ayurvedic Birthstones


Other Birthstones





Gem Designs by Palermo Blue Topaz and Sleeping Beauty Turquoise 14K RingThe turquoise is ancient, yet again and again it finds itself back in fashion. Its shining sky blue is one of the most popular trend colours in the world of jewellery and fashion.

In many cultures of the Old and New Worlds, this gemstone has been esteemed for thousands of years as a holy stone, a bringer of good fortune or a talisman. It really does have the right to be called a 'gemstone of the peoples'. The oldest evidence for this claim was found in Egypt, where grave furnishings with turquoise inlay were discovered, dating from approximately 3000 B.C.. In the ancient Persian kingdom, the sky-blue gemstones were earlier worn round the neck or wrist as protection against unnatural death. If they changed colour, the wearer was thought to have reason to fear the approach of doom. Meanwhile, it has been discovered that the turquoise certainly can change colour, but that this is not necessarily a sign of impending danger. The change can be caused by the light, or by a chemical reaction brought about by cosmetics, dust or the acidity of the skin.








The CHATBOX is a monthly publication of the


The purpose of our club is to develop interest in and increase knowledge of the earth sciences, minerals, rocks, fossils, and the lapidary arts, and to bring about a closer association of persons sharing these interests.

We shall achieve our purpose through regular planned open meetings, programs, publications, committees, monthly field trips, and special projects of assistance to the community.

We meet the second THURSDAY of each month at 7:00 PM at the Park Hills Senior Center, 224 W. Main St., Park Hills, Missouri. Visitors are always welcome                                                

Annual dues are $18.00 per family or $12.00 per individual.

***** 2010 Elected Officers*****


Ann Hampton                   Mark Hensley                       Mary Medley                       Jack Sale

15088 Province Rd.          411 Allen                                  PO box 454                 1148 Rue Angeline

Irondale, MO 63648     Farmington,MO.63640              Pilot Knob,MO 63663   Bonne Terre,MO.63628

(573)749-3549                   (573)756-7403                                                            (573)562-7004



                                                ***2009 Committee Chairpersons***

BOARD MEMBERS:                Field Trip Coordinator: Mark & Boneta Hensley

Jack Sale                                        Hospitality: Betty Marler

Mark Hensley                                 Refreshments: Allys Bell & as shown in CHATBOX each month

Allys Bell                                        Annual Rock Swap: Lloyd Marler (chair) & Mike Marler

                                                      Club Display Case:

                                                      Publicity: Joey Henry

                                                      Representative: Allys Bell, Art Hebrank

                                                      Annual Picnic: Ruth Mosier

                                                      CHATBOX Editor: Robert W. Carroll

                    Midwest Federation Representative:

                                                      St. Louis Federation Representative: Ruth Mosier

                                                      Christmas Party: Betty White

                                                      Science Committee: Art Hebrank

Submit articles for publication to the Editor, Robert W. Carroll 573-431-2148 E-Mail = bcarroll@charter.net, by the 20th of the month.  Material may be reprinted provided credit is given to the CHATBOX. Publication of articles in the CHATBOX does not constitute endorsement by MAGMS or certify the accuracy of the material.  Opinions expressed in articles and editorials are not necessarily representative of the opinions of the membership or the MAGMS.


Next meeting will be at Park Hills Senior Center, 224 W. Main St., Park Hills, Missouri

Thursday January 14 7:00 PM

REFRESHMENTS: Ann Hampton & Mark Hensley



NEW Presidents Message:

A new year and a new slate of officers of your society will strive to have this a year of success.  We have work ahead and it is only like a well oiled and maintained machine will the society succeed or fail. It is known one missing cog in a series of wheels the work stops.  I am looking forward to this new year knowing each of you, the members of M.A.G.M.S., possess a diversity of expertise and talents. Your special uniqueness will be needed as we work together to make 2010 a good year.

As an old medicine man, Dr. Morris said: “it takes all the Indians, not the chief to get the job done.”

Hope to see all of you 14 January 2010.

For each of you,

a joyous Christmas

and Happy, Prosperous

New Year

Your president Ann Hampton


Minutes of MAGMS Meeting of December 10, 2009

The December monthly meeting was our MAGMS Christmas Party which was held at Ryan's at Farmington, Missouri.  We gathered at Ryan's on December 10, 2009 at 6:00 P.M.  A short meeting was called to order by President Betty Marler at 6:00. P.M.  Betty reported that several members were sick and could not attend the Christmas Party.  A drawing was made for the door prize and Luzell's little baby grandaughter (daughter of Krystal and Jeff Wilkinson) won.  There were 23 members present and no visitors.  We were missing two members this Christmas, Luzell George and Barb Adams, who passed away this past year.  They were sadly missed by all of us. 

If you have not paid your dues for 2010, they are due NOW!!! 

Gifts were exchanged by those who brought gifts and all seemed to be pleased with the gift they received. 

The next MAGMS Meeting will be held on January 14, 2010 at 7:00 P.M. at th Senior Center at Park Hills, Missouri.

The meeting was adjourned by President Betty Marler and everyone enjoyed their Christmas Dinner and visiting with each other.  Ann Hampton was asked to give the blessing for our food.  THANK YOU ANN!  We appreciate you! 

                                    MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY AND HEALTHY 2010 TO ALL!!!!

                                                                        Carnelia Lueddecke, Acting Secretary      


Treasurer’s report

Date         Transaction                       Debit            Credit       Balance

10/1/09                                                                                                  $3852.94

10/10 Park Hills Senior Center                      $150.00                                $3702.94

10/23                Dues for 10/10                                             $36.00          $3738.94

10/23/09    D. Jennings – 

Christmas Party Door Prize             $ $25.00                                 $3713.94

10/31/09                                                                                                  $3738.94

Jack Sale Treasurer



Allys Bell

Helen Warren

Mabel Reed

Carnelia Lueddecke

Marvin Lueddecke

Jim Hill 

Cathy Hill                  

Jean Carroll

Marvin Twiner          

Glenda Crites

Jerry Henry

Pray for our new 2010 officers

If you would like to send a card or letter to any of these, you may get the address from Betty Marler at 573-431-2951 or Robert Carroll at 573-431-2148.


Linda Burr                               01-06                  

Patricia Loraine                        01-09

Amanda Hensley                      01-21

Ben Hensley                             01-26



Birth Month


Modern Birthstones


Traditional Birthstones


Mystical Birthstones


Ayurvedic Birthstones


Other Birthstones

Rose Quartz







Next meeting will be at Park Hills Senior Center, 224 W. Main St., Park Hills, Missouri

Thursday January 14 7:00 PM

REFRESHMENTS: Ann Hampton & Mark Hensley




Dues are due now